Past events

Summit of conservative local and regional leaders

Summit of conservative local and regional leaders

Localism Summit

18 Oct 2024 09h00Rome, Italy

General information

Our Summit of conservative local and regional leaders will be held in Rome, and is hosted by ECR Member Roberta Angelilli, Vice-President of the Lazio Region. The Summit will address the role of conservative regions in promoting European cultural identity and preserving natural heritage in two panel discussions: 

  1. Empowering regions to promote Europe's cultural identity
  2. Preserving Europe's natural heritage: the vital role of local communities


1. Empowering regions to promote Europe's cultural identity

Europe's cultural diversity is a unique and valuable resource, and with societies becoming increasingly interconnected through technology and globalisation, and as migration patterns influence Europe's cultural landscape, the need to preserve this historic heritage becomes increasingly important. Many of Europe's cultural riches remain unexplored beyond local realms, yet every region holds a unique key to unlocking Europe's cultural wealth. By empowering regions to play an increasingly significant role in preserving and promoting Europe's cultural essence, the EU can ensure its longevity and ensure a deeper appreciation and respect for the diverse heritage that defines us. The panel discussion addressing this topic will bring together representatives from national governments, as well as local leaders governing cities selected as domestic and European Capitals of Culture.

2. Preserving Europe's natural heritage: the vital role of local communities

Local communities have a profound role in preserving Europe's diverse ecosystems and in halting the loss of biodiversity. From local farmers cultivating traditional landscapes to winemakers nurturing sustainable vineyards, individuals and local communities across Europe are leading the EU's efforts in safeguarding our natural landscapes. Their voices should be much better heard and reflected in EU-level discussions on nature restoration principles and other environmental policies that have a significant impact on rural areas and regions as well on the EU's food security. This panel will aim to address how Europe's habitats and landscapes can be preserved without resorting to some of the most contentious legislation passed by the EU in the last legislature. 

Conference Programme 

8.45-9.00 Registration

Opening Speeches by:

  • Roberta Angelilli, Vice-President of the Lazio Region, Italy
  • Marco Marsilio, President of the ECR CoR Group and President of the Abruzzo Region, Italy
  • Antonella Sberna MEP, Vice-President of the European Parliament
  • Antonio Giordano MP, Secretary-General of the ECR Party

Panel Discussion I: Empowering regions to promote Europe's cultural identity

Moderator: Antonio Rapisarda, Director, Il Secolo d'Italia

Keynote Speaker: 

    - Gianmarco Mazzi, Undersecretary of State to the Ministry of Culture, Italy

  • Daniele Sinibaldi, Mayor of Rieti, Italy
  • Carlo Fidanza MEP, Head of the Fratelli d'Italia delegation in the European Parliament
  • Barbara Hegedűs, Deputy Mayor of Veszprém - European Capital of Culture 2023, Hungary
  • Federico Mollicone MP, Chair of the Committee on Culture, Chamber of Deputies, Italy
  • Władysław Ortyl, First Vice-President of the ECR CoR Group and President of the Podkarpackie Region, Poland
11.10-11.20 Break  


Panel Discussion II: Preserving Europe's natural heritage: the vital role of local communities

Moderator: Fabio Dragoni, Italian publisher and columnist, La Verità 

Keynote Speaker:

    - Nello Musumeci, Minister for Civil Protection and Marine Policies

  • Guido Castelli, Senator and Commissioner for post-earthquake reconstruction, Italy
  • Małgorzata Golińska MP, Member of the Committee on Environment, Natural Resources and Forestry of the Sejm, Poland
  • Sam Hall, Director of the Conservative Environment Network, UK
  • Nicola Procaccini MEP, Co-Chair of the ECR Group in the European Parliament
  • Patrick Pagani, Deputy Secretary General, COPA COGECA

Closing remarks

  • Roberta Angelilli, Vice-President of the Lazio Region, Italy 

