Localism Summit
09 Apr 2025 09h30Lublin, Poland
General information
Our Summit of conservative local and regional leaders will be held in Lublin, and is hosted by our ECR Member Jarosław Stawiarski, Marshal of the Lubelskie Region. The Summit will address the role of conservative regions in promoting European competitiveness and securing a safer Europe for all Europeans in two panel discussions:
- Shock-proofing European regions amid security and geopolitical challenges
- Revitalising European competitiveness: from local strength to global relevance
1. Shock-proofing European regions amid security and geopolitical challenges
Security begins at the local level, where effective law enforcement and community engagement can combat rising criminality. It is equally important to fight all forms of radicalisation, which threatens to undermine our shared values and community cohesion. Unity in combating antisemitism is essential for a safe and inclusive Europe. It is time for Europe decision-makers to prioritise security challenges at the EU's external borders, focusing on strong border management to control illegal immigration and protect citizens from external threats, including terrorists targeting our cities. The panel will discuss internal security challenges faced by different communities around Europe, including drug-related violence, in a wider geopolitical context.
2. Revitalising European competitiveness: from local strength to global relevance
We are concerned by how much the EU is lagging behind its main international competitors in GDP growth, innovation and the development of new marketable technologies. Enhancing Europe's competitiveness, combined with reducing red tape and creating a less burdensome legal framework, must be one of the EU's main priorities to ensure our communities enjoy continued prosperity. We aim at ensuring that future competitiveness initiatives, including the new Competitiveness Fund and the Single Market Strategy, contribute to place-based growth in our regions and cities while respecting the subsidiarity principle. This panel discussion will bring together experienced policy-makers and local leaders to address ways to reinvigorate Europe's industrial base by supporting businesses and SMEs in future-determining sectors like AI and space technologies.