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ECR Local Dialogue - Strengthening Regional Resilience

ECR Local Dialogue - Strengthening Regional Resilience


01 Mar 2025 10h00Lappeenranta, Finland

General information

This ECR Local Dialogue will be held in Lappeenranta, Finland, and is hosted by ECR Member Ilpo Heltimoinen, City Councillor in Lappeenranta and European Committee of the Regions Rapporteur on opinion Strengthening regional economic resilience. The Local Dialogue focuses on the themes of the opinion, including:

Shock-proofing EU regions for future shocks

The impact of recent crises, such as the COVID-19 pandemic and Russia’s military aggression against Ukraine, has been asymmetrical on EU Member States and regions. Depending on their vulnerabilities, regions' ability to withstand and to recover from these shocks has proven to be very different. What is the state of economic resilience in the EU, and how can we strengthen the preparedness of the EU and its regions for future shocks?

Building comprehensive security in the EU

Finland is well-known for its whole-of-society approach to security and preparedness, also known as comprehensive security, where the society's vital functions are secured via close coordination between the core entities: government, businesses, non-governmental organisations and citizens. Can this approach be employed in the EU more broadly?

The specific challenges of EU's Eastern border regions

The EU's eastern border regions are particularly vulnerable to geopolitical conflicts, and they have suffered disproportionately from the consequences of Russia's military aggression against Ukraine. Why should the EU pay particular attention to its regions bordering Russia and Belarus, and what kind of support do these regions need?


 9.45-10.00  Registration   

Opening Speeches by:

  • Ilpo Heltimoinen, City Councillor in Lappeenranta and CoR Rapporteur
  • Video message by Riikka Purra, Minister of Finance, Finland

Panel Discussion: Strengthening regional resilience

Moderator: Ilpo Heltimoinen


  • Satu Sikanen, Regional Mayor of South Karelia
  • Tuomo Sallinen, Mayor of Lappeenranta
  • Jukka Kopra, Chair of Defence Committee, Finnish Parliament
  • Sally Leskinen, CEO of South Karelia Wellbeing Services County
  • Carina Jäntti, Member of Kotka City Board and CoR Alternate Member
  • Kalle Saarela, Member of Lappeenranta City Board and Detective Sergeant 
12:00-12:15Questions from the audience

Closing remarks

  • Ilpo Heltimoinen, City Councillor in Lappeenranta and CoR Rapporteur
