Carlo Fidanza elected to the European Parliament
The last European Parliamentary elections held in May were a great success for the Brothers of Italy party (Fratelli d'Italia), with five of its MEPs elected. Among those elected was Carlo Fidanza, a Member of our ECR Group in the European Committee of the Regions.
Until recently, Carlo Fidanza was a Member of the Italian Chamber of Deputies and a Member of Rosazza Municipal Council. In the new European Parliament mandate, he is leading the Italian delegation within the ECR Group. Working alongside him is Raffaele Fitto MEP, also former Member of the European Committee of the Regions and former Chairman of the CoR's Commission for Territorial Cohesion Policy and EU Budget (COTER). Mr Fitto acts as the Co-Chair of the ECR Group in the European Parliament.
We congratulate our Member Carlo Fidanza and look forward to continuing our fruitful cooperation in the future.