President Marco Marsilio was invited as speaker at an event to mark the tenth anniversary of the "Brothers of Italy" party, during which he shared remarks on the panel devoted to “10 years of love for the territory”.
Mr Marsilio, President of the Abruzzo region, called on the Italian Government to collect examples from his own region with regards to depopulation. "Our region suffers depopulation with a speed twice as fast as Italy and in inland areas this speed doubles further. We have areas that in the last five years have lost 10-20% of the population. We have made a regional law against depopulation that in mountain municipalities subject to this dynamic gives EUR 2 500 a year for three years to families who give birth to children in those centers. We double this contribution when it comes to people who leave their residence in a larger city or center and return or move to small municipalities. And we triple it if they open a business".
The event took place on 17 December.