Members of the ECON Commission have today adopted by unanimity Michele Pais' opinion on the Interoperable Europe Act. The opinion seeks to secure funding for local and regional authorities to "take digital services offered to citizens to the next level" by harmonising opportunities offered by digitalisation in public services across Member States. Digital cohesion can be key to tackling some of the biggest challenges of regions, including depopulation and brain-drain.
In his speech, ECR Member and President of the Regional Council of Sardinia highlighted that public institutions across the European Union are yet to reap the full benefits of digitalisation. "We have a responsibility to our citizens and to our children. As digitalisation continues to advance, local and regional authorities must work towards achieving a balance between adopting new technologies and addressing challenges to fully realise, and maximize potential benefits", he warned.
The Interoperable Europe Act represents a key pillar of Europe’s digital future. Amongst its aims are cross-border coordination, support for public sector innovation in Europe and minimum common specifications for secure and more fluid public sector data flows and services.
"As rapporteur, I strived to ensure that local and regional authorities are provided with sufficient support to implement interoperability solutions, and to provide guarantees to ensure a safe transition, including for the governance of interoperability implementation to be based on a well-balanced, transparent structure, respecting the principle of subsidiary and taking into account citizens' priorities", he stressed.
The opinion will be presented to all members of the Committee of Regions for final approval during the May plenary session.