The debate on the European Commission's proposal for the revision of the current MFF was an opportunity for President Marco Marsilio to question its key elements. "It is true that Europe has changed unrecognisably since the current seven-year budget was approved in 2020, but it is also true that some of the crises that are now treated as emergencies could have been largely anticipated. Our Group has been calling for years for a more realistic approach to major policy issues, avoiding ideological approaches that have not led to great results".
The ECR Group welcomes the proposed revision of the Multiannual Financial Framework where it focuses on key missions, such as supporting Ukraine, strengthening border security and strategic investments in technology and innovation. However, the President of Abruzzo Region warned that funding for NGOs who, "intentionally or unintentionally, facilitate human trafficking across the Mediterranean Sea will bring our continent to its knees". Stopping NGO vessels from collaborating with human traffickers "must become a shared European imperative" noted the President.
President Marsilio stressed that there should be a significant revision of the strategic objectives, emphasising those programmes with real European added value, including territorial cooperation and development, strategic autonomy, strengthening border security, innovation and competitiveness, "particularly in the least favoured regions" – concluded the ECR CoR President.
The debate took place as part of COTER Commission meeting ahead of the adoption of CoR opinion on "Review and proposal for the Revision of the MFF 2021-27" in the October plenary session.