The CoR's Working Group on Ukraine held an external meeting in Lviv, Ukraine, where ECR First Vice President Władysław Ortyl was invited as a speaker to share his expertise on capacity building. The discussion focused on the state of reforms in view of the future EU accession of Ukraine, the proposal of the European Commission for the establishment of the Ukraine Facility, and the cooperation between local authorities in the context of the recovery and reconstruction of the country. ECR member Pavel Branda was also in attendance.
"Further investments in infrastructure projects permanently strengthening connectivity in the EU-Ukraine border area is essential for the reconstruction and for integrating Ukraine with the EU single market. Transport, energy and digital links are absolutely crucial for establishing strong foundations for Ukraine's future in the EU" stated Władysław Ortyl, Marshal of the Podkarpackie region in Poland.
The meeting hosted by Lviv's Mayor Andriy Sadovyi was also an opportunity to call for capacity building instruments, which are necessary to best prepare the war-torn nation in getting ready for a successful EU accession process. "EU's assistance to Ukraine should also emphasise training of public administration staff, which is key for improving the efficiency of institutions at all levels of governance" – underlined Marshal Ortyl.
Deputy Mayor of Rádlo, Pavel Branda, called for a realistic approach to the accession process and the challenges that come with it. "There should be no shortcuts: accession negotiations will have a huge impact on the everyday functioning of local and regional authorities and needs to be carried out properly. We are here to assist our Ukrainian colleagues throughout the whole process", he concluded.