
08 Dec 2023 | Brussels

Place-based innovation key for twin transition

08 Dec 2023 | Brussels

Place-based innovation key for twin transition

Andrea Putzu's opinion titled "Towards an integrated EU policy approach to support place-based innovation for the green and digital transition" was adopted unanimously by Members of the SEDEC Commission today. 

In his speech, Italian ECR Member and Member of the Regional Council of Marche highlighted: "it is evident that our regions, through experience on the ground, have consistently demonstrated their key role as powerful drivers of innovation. Accordingly, it is clear that we must place local and regional authorities at the very heart of the EU's industrial policy narrative."

The opinion emphasises the powerful potential of place-based innovation as a driving force for European competitiveness, underlining the importance of executing the green and digital transitions through a bottom-up approach, adapted to local and regional needs. It urges to maximise synergies between relevant EU policies and funds, requesting continued support for Partnerships for Regional Innovation and Regional Innovation Valleys. 

"In order for Europe to maximise the potential of its regions, we must also ensure enhanced resource coordination, and create more effective collaboration models on all levels. When it comes to Europe's innovation ecosystem, there are plenty of stakeholders and instruments both vertically and horizontally. As the elements evolve, we also need to connect the dots – this will be crucial to take Europe's competitiveness to the next level" – stressed the rapporteur. 

The opinion is scheduled to be adopted in CoR plenary in January 2024.