One of the main debates of the January CoR plenary session was dedicated to the conclusions of the COP28 conference. Representing our Group was ECR Vice-President Juraj Droba who reiterated the importance of defending technological neutrality: "this is why we need to continue to pursue our emission reduction goals in the most realistically challenging way. Each country free should be free to choose its own strategy".
In this way, Europe could ensure its competitiveness and maintain European technology leadership. Mr Droba, President of the Bratislava region, warned that the EU hailing itself as a leader on the green front "will be catastrophic if we do not protect European industries from external competitors".
It was therefore very welcome that the final COP28 decision text finally gave nuclear energy the recognition it deserves, calling for "global efforts to accelerate zero- and low-emission technologies, including nuclear". Mr Droba stated that it was clear progress "that nuclear energy has finally been formally specified as one of the solutions to climate change" and shared that Slovakia was one of the 20 countries that endorsed the declaration recognising the key role of nuclear energy.
In conclusion, the Bratislava leader emphasized the principles of partnership and multilevel governance in "navigating the challenges of climate change" and stated that the implementation of the Paris Agreement goals on the ground require "adequate financing for regions and a socially just transition so that there is no one left behind".