The challenge of young and vulnerable people being recruited by criminal networks was among the topics discussed at a conference held in Brussels, which the ECR CIVEX coordinator Matteo Luigi Bianchi attended as the European Committee of the Regions' rapporteur on the EU Roadmap to fight drug trafficking and organised crime.
"We need a meaningful multi-level partnership to collectively tackle the challenge of young people being approached by criminal networks. Awareness campaigns can highlight the risks of adolescents becoming involved in the world of illicit substances", stated Mr Bianchi.
In his address to the audience of the Security, Democracy & Cities Conference organised by the European Forum for Urban Security (EFUS), Mr Bianchi, member of the Local Assembly of Varese in Lombardy, also stressed that the role of local and regional authorities extends to supporting logistic hubs such as EU's maritime ports and airports, and preventing smuggling.
Addressing the complexities of drug abuse across EU territories necessitates a collaborative approach. This, for the CoR rapporteur, involves "sharing best practices and forging partnerships among various sectors, including communities, families, schools, social welfare, civil society, law enforcement and the private sector". However, recognizing the unique challenges faced by different regions, "such initiatives cannot be a top-down exercise. The sum of local improvements will naturally improve the overall picture at the EU level, but for this to make a significant difference, we need to reduce the all-time high demand for the illicit substances", concluded Mr Bianchi.