"Half of all homicides in the EU are related to drug trafficking or drug abuse. This is why the opinion calls on all local and regional authorities to intensify cooperation with law enforcement agencies to reduce drug-related violence on the streets of our cities", stated the member of the Local Assembly of Varese in Lombardy.
In his opinion on the EU roadmap to fight drug trafficking and organised crime, which was today endorsed by the members of the CIVEX Commission Mr Bianchi refers to the issue of criminal networks which, in order to make huge profits, often resort to bribery, intimidation and unprecedented violence, in addition to dealing illegal substances causing thousands of deaths from substance overdoses across Europe.
"The picture that emerged from my engagement with various stakeholders like the Europol is complex and worrying", highlighted Mr Bianchi adding that currently, drug trafficking orchestrated by organised crime is one of the EU's most serious security threats.
Our CIVEX Coordinator identified prevention as the main aspect on which most local and regional authorities could immediately intensify their efforts involving local communities, families, schools, social services, civil society, law enforcement agencies, and private companies.
For the rapporteur, it is crucial that to ensure that vulnerable minors can grow up in an environment free from the risk of being involved in criminal or drug activities. Here, Mr Bianchi highlighted the necessity to invest in recreational, sporting and cultural activities that "keep youth away from organised crime".