ECR ECON Member Barbara Hegedűs has been appointed rapporteur for the European Committee of the Regions' opinion on "Supporting SMEs in regional value chains – fostering the proximity economy".
Enterprises in the proximity economy are characterised by local and short value chains and local production and consumption. They often take the form of family businesses, and embody a set of unique features that distinguish them in the SME business landscape.
Rapporteur Hegedűs explained: "proximity enterprises have a long-term orientation as part of the local community, for instance family businesses thinking in a multigenerational perspective instead of quarters, or microenterprises offering services specific to the locality or small enterprises prioritising local supply chains, production and social responsibility. This promotes a strategic focus on resilience and long-term sustainability, instead of seeking to maximise short-term gains".
The own-initiative opinion will aim to strategically evaluate and recommend solutions for empowering proximity economy enterprises including family businesses, enhancing European regional competitiveness and resilience in the long run.
The draft opinion is scheduled to be adopted in the December ECON commission meeting before being put to vote in the first CoR plenary session of 2025.