
19 Jun 2024 | Brussels

Europeans want a Europe that does less but better

19 Jun 2024 | Brussels

Europeans want a Europe that does less but better

"The outcome of the European elections sends us a clear message: millions of European citizens are calling for a Europe that does less things but better". This was the main message by the President of the Abruzzo Region, Marco Marsilio, speaking at the plenary session of the European Committee of the Regions in Brussels. "Voters want change, they want to turn a page and finally leave behind the eco-madness of the last legislature" President Marsilio added.

Participating in the debate on the European election results, Marsilio stressed that "it is time for the EU to do what it was always intended to do: serve the interests of citizens. The results of the European elections ten days ago clearly show that voters across Europe have rewarded conservative and patriotic political forces. This historic result shows that the European institutions were unable to listen to our repeated appeals. We can proudly say", Marsilio continued, "that starting from Italy, European voters listened to our voice and rewarded the conservative parties united in the ECR Party, chaired by Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni".

Mr Marsilio called  for a Europe with “less green ideology, less bureaucracy, less imports of Chinese electric cars and less gender ideology”. The President outlined his vision of a Europe with greater  protection of European sovereignty and “more respect for the Christian values that underpin our European civilisation".