
20 Jun 2024 | Brussels

President Marsilio warns about unfair competition from China for the European automotive industry

20 Jun 2024 | Brussels

President Marsilio warns about unfair competition from China for the European automotive industry

Speaking in his capacity as the CoR rapporteur of the opinion "A Just Transition for all EU regions", President Marsilio began by welcoming the European Commission's decision to impose new duties on imports of electric vehicles from China. For the Abruzzo President, allowing Chinese electric vehicles, which are heavily subsidised by the government, to flood the European market will "jeopardise the European automotive industry as we know it", he stated during the first annual meeting of the CoRAI (Committee of the Regions Automotive Intergroup).

Given the results of the European elections, Mr Marsilio said he was "convinced that a growing proportion of citizens agree with this opinion. The ECR group," he added, "the strongest advocate of technology neutrality in the EU, has won new seats in the European Parliament and has now become the third largest group." 

In the face of strong competition from outside Europe, the ECR Group President Marsilio highlighted the "importance of protecting the automotive sector and its European excellence and, at the same time, safeguarding jobs and industry in our region".