
07 Oct 2024 | Brussels

Hungarian Presidency priorities align with ECR vision for long-term success of EU

07 Oct 2024 | Brussels

Hungarian Presidency priorities align with ECR vision for long-term success of EU

In a CoR plenary address to Deputy Minister Barna Pál Zsigmond, ECR Vice-President Anna Magyar very much welcomed the priorities of the Hungarian Presidency of the Council of the European Union whose focus is on European competitiveness, demographic challenges, reinforcement of defence, merit-based enlargement, stemming illegal migration and a farmer-centred agricultural policy.

On improving European competitiveness, Ms Magyar stated that it was a particularly timely priority as the "EU falls behind other global leaders like the US and China when it comes to innovation and industry". 

The Hungarian county councillor also applauded the Presidency for its stance on tackling illegal migration: "the migratory pressure at our external borders has become more than challenging for individual Member States". For the ECR Vice-President, the EU's security and stability require effective external border management. In this context, Ms Magyar pointed to "external cooperation and more efficient returns as being vital for creating a sustainable, long-term solution to this ongoing problem".

In terms of agricultural policy, Ms Magyar reiterated the ECR Group's vision for a more "farmer-friendly future" which includes promoting a "competitive, resilient and sustainable EU agricultural policy with a focus on food security". European farmers are facing unprecedented challenges and must be protected in the face of rising production costs, environmental demands and climate change.

On the pressing issue of demographic decline, Ms Magyar reiterated the ECR Group's stance on the need for policies that tackle rural depopulation and treat the "demographic transition with the same weight as the green and digital transition".

The Hungarian local politician concluded by expressing frustration at the calls to boycott Hungary’s Presidency of the Council of the European Union: "at a time when Europe faces significant challenges, it is especially critical for all Member States to have the opportunity to contribute to the leadership of the Union".