Our Work

Natural resources

Our priorities

The viability and competitiveness of the European agri-food sector is of utmost importance. We, therefore, call for recovery to be prioritised and for the focus to be on the stability of our farmers.

We underline that the future of agriculture in Europe is not only an important issue for farmers, but also for consumers. Food prices must ensure fair income for our farmers and be affordable at the same time.

We advocate the fair treatment of farmers from both old and new Member States and believe that direct payments between them should be equalised. 

We highlight the importance of agriculture continuing to evolve, innovating and embracing advancement, particularly if it is to meet the environmental, resource and food security challenges of the future and ensure sustainable rural communities.

We call on European institutions to better coordinate health policies. The EU's dependency on medicine production in third countries must be reduced as a matter of priority. 

Strengthening civil protection should be done through a stronger territorial and community-led approach. We underline that local community action is the fastest and most effective way of limiting the damage caused by a disaster.